Thursday, June 5, 2008

New White House Administration

Now that the major political parties have finally selected their nominees for President of the United States, it's time to talk policy. Whoever wins, one thing is for certain, come 2009 there will be a new administration in the White House. Which begs the question, "What could a new president do to stimulate community health projects?"

What would you say to the new administration???

for example:

Are there barriers that could be removed to help encourage people to lead healthier, higher-quality lives, and improve the overall health of your community?

As a community collaborative leader are there issues of funding or technical support holding you back from fully implementing your improvement efforts?

Should the White House focus on community health in general or launch community initiatives specifically targeting issues like obesity, access, or workforce issues?

So what would it be? What would the next administration's White House Initiative on Community Health look like -- if you were in charge?


Welcome to Healthy Community Conversations, a interactive exchange of ideas and opinions about health and health care in our communities.

Though our conversations we want to bring together wise, committed, and passionate people and provide them the resources and encouragement to make things happen. We will listen, learn, and remove roadblocks. In the end, help people in geographically diverse communities lead healthier, higher-quality lives.

Please share with us any topics you would like to explore.