Friday, May 15, 2009

Jobangels? Could we be Community Health Angels?

I recently learned about jobangels - a movement started in late January 2009 by Mark Stelzner while he sat at his kitchen table eating cornflakes...or something like that.

The idea was that if we could each help just one person find a job then together we could make a dent in the rising unemployment rate. Using the social networking tools twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook - he provided a platform where each person could commit to a single goal: to help just one person, friend, family member, colleague or complete stranger find gainful employment (click here for the complete story). The idea resonated and this movement has linked thousands of employers with eager, committed employees.

It got me to thinking community health improvement efforts have a similar challenge. All too often we all work in separate silos, working silently on projects, quietly cheering our successes and struggling with our failures. If we could reach out to others in this same fashion, then maybe we could help each other.

This week we launched our LinkedIn Group Page to an overwhelming response (over 100 members the first day!). We will use this platform to connect those with questions or needs with information; to lend a hand and work toward a common goal, improving health.

If you have not yet joined take a moment and join today.

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